Why Understanding Your Identity Is Key in Spiritual Battles

Why Understanding Your Identity Is Key in Spiritual Battles by Curt Landry for Charisma News

Understanding your identity is key in spiritual battles. It is the first thing you must do. It is only because of your identity in Yeshua that you can come boldly into the throne room of God and know that you are a victor and that your gifts and armor are already paid and prepared for you.

When you seek God first, He honors you. Part of seeking Him is to understand who He says you are and believe His Word about you. Go into the courts of heaven and know you are washed white as snow.

There’s so much fear, doubt, and anxiety over spiritual warfare. Maybe you have questions about your own circumstances, such as…

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  • How much of what I’m going through is spiritual?
  • How much of what I’m going through is natural?
  • Is it the devil attacking me?
  • What can I do about it?

Spiritual Warfare Is Real

First, I want to tell you that spiritual warfare is real. It’s an ongoing battle in the spiritual realm and we battle against demonic forces. And that’s what it says in Ephesians. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but powers and principalities, and heavenly hosts in dark places.”

People often ask, “How do I know if I’m under spiritual attack, and how do I know how to wield the weapons of my spiritual authority?”

First, they must understand what a spiritual attack is. And if they don’t understand how to battle it in the spirit, then they end up battling it in the flesh.

My experience has been that if I choose to battle a spiritual battle in the flesh, it just gets worse.

When I was a kid, we had Chinese handcuffs. They were made of bamboo, and you would slide your fingers into it, and then if you pulled, they tightened down. And the way to get them off of your finger would be to relax, and rather than pulling, you would push your fingers together, grab the Chinese handcuff, hold it in that position and your fingers come right out.

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